Creating Efficient, Compliant, & Profitable
In-Office Procedure Rooms

Our goal is to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, mitigate risks, and support the delivery of high-quality procedure room(s), to deliver efficient and cost-effective care to patients.

Interested in exploring in-office procedures in your practice?

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A leading hand surgeon in Tamarac, Florida, sought to establish a procedure suite within their existing clinic to offer patients more convenient and cost-effective access to Level II anesthesia hand surgeries. The challenge involved navigating complex regulatory and operational requirements to create a compliant, efficient, and functional surgical space.

There was a need to ensure that all prerequisites were met to set up a procedure suite that adhered to local, state, and federal regulations. The surgeon faced the challenge of aligning reimbursement policies for various insurers to ensure financial feasibility. The project required careful coordination with multiple stakeholders to ensure the facility met healthcare standards and would be ready for operation.


ProcedureSweet played a pivotal role in transforming the hand surgery practice from concept to a fully operational facility. As strategic partners and trusted advisors, our team led the practice through every phase, including site selection, operating and staffing models, overall project management, and inspection readiness.

Our expertise in regulatory compliance, equipment procurement, and financial planning enabled the practice to meet Florida's healthcare standards seamlessly. The result was a state-of-the-art facility that not only enhances patient outcomes, but also reduces healthcare costs and boosts the provider's bottom line.



Developed a comprehensive financial model based on CPT codes that evaluated financial reimbursement models across public and private insurance, personal injury, letter of protection, and workers' compensation


Researched state and local regulations to define, document, and submit surgeon and staff credentialing application requirements in preparation for FL state and biomedical inspections


Led the program management of a multidisciplinary team of providers, business strategists, equipment manufacturing representatives, and procedure suite support staff


Facilitated the selection process and owned relationships with external service providers and stakeholders, such as mobile anesthesia group and biomedical inspectors, leading to optimized overhead spending

“I used ProcedureSweet for a major project I always dreamed about completing in my practice--starting a revenue-generating in-office procedure room as a hand and upper extremity surgeon. I thought about doing this for years, but did not truly think it would be possible without a significant amount of money and time that I did not have. Also, I had no idea where to start or what to do. Eventually, I hired ProcedureSweet just to see if this project was even feasible. They told me it was feasible and created a roadmap that I would need to follow in order to get the project done well.

I decided to follow that roadmap, had weekly check-ins, and not only did we create the in-office procedure room that I have always wanted, but I spent much less money than expected, passed state inspection at the first try, and started doing surgeries in this level 2A in-office procedure room exactly 6 months after hiring ProcedureSweet. The Procedure Sweet team is just exceptional at what they do - extremely organized, keep the project going at a pace that can get you to your goal quickly and effectively, can quickly research and understand the steps necessary to get a business to their goal. Highly recommend this company for any business that has a seemingly lofty project but does not quite know where to start. Hiring them was the best decision I have made since starting my practice.”